We welcome the opportunity to receive young people and adults into full membership of the United Church of Canada and the Lakeview United Church family. Through the symbolic act of confirmation, participants affirm their baptismal vows and promise to continue to develop in their faith.
Arrangements for confirmation may be made by contacting the church office (306.586.7844) or by email.
Confirmation Journey
Confirmation is offered to individuals who are ready to publicly acknowledge their intention to practice the faith into which they were baptized. The decision as to when to make the commitment of confirmation is personal. Generally, candidates for confirmation range in age from 14 years to adult.
Confirmands prepare for confirmation by participating in a series of sessions with the ministers. Through these sessions, which run from late fall to early spring each year, confirmands have the opportunity to reflect on the life and teachings of Jesus, to consider broad and specific questions of faith, and to explore the relevance and application of faith in their daily lives. At the same time, confirmands may be guided on their faith journey by a mentor selected from the Lakeview United Church congregation.
Confirmation is celebrated within a regular Sunday worship wherein the confirmands are presented to the congregation. All who are confirmed receive a Confirmation Certificate.
Family and Friends
Family members and friends of those being confirmed are very welcome to attend the confirmation ceremony. It is our tradition at Lakeview United Church to have refreshments following confirmation services. Those who are newly confirmed, their family, and friends are very welcome to join members of the congregation for this joyful time of celebration and visiting.
We are pleased to welcome newly confirmed young people and adults as full members of the Lakeview United Church family. We invite you to become active participants in the life and work of Lakeview United Church and in doing so, continue to grow spiritually and experience the support and joy of Christian fellowship.