As of Sunday, September 20, Lakeview is again open for in-person worship but with precautions. Everyone must be masked and sit in the allocated spaces to maintain social distancing. Family or bubble groups may sit together, distanced from other worshippers. There will be no congregational singing and no coffee or social time. We'll make a record of everyone who attends worship each week in case there is ever a need for contact tracing.
We are working on making the service available through live streaming for those who do not wish to attend in person so watch the website for news of when this becomes available. Also, sign up for the church e-newsletter by clicking here or by contacting the church office at lakeviewuc@sasktel.
Sunday School is also available at the same time as worship. Children need to wear masks and go directly to the chapel before the start of each service.
Cherub Choir has also started and will meet in the gym at 4:30 PM on Friday afternoons. Children must be masked and parents need to remain outside the building for the duration of the practice.
We look forward to seeing you there.