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Hello Lakeview friends,

You may have noticed that on Sunday mornings I refer to the “Lectionary” quite often and there has been renewed attention to the liturgical colours at the front of the Worship Centre. You may have also noticed that I wear stoles.  Stoles are the coloured vestment consisting of a long, usually silk band worn traditionally around the neck by United, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, and Catholic clergy and over the left shoulder by deacons. The stole is only worn by ordained clergy.  The white robe under it is an alb, which is a symbol of baptism and can be worn by lay people, deacons and pastors.

At Lakeview, I usually wear an alb during Advent, Lent and Holy days, such as Easter, Christmas of Festivals.  I wear it as a reminder of my baptism.  It warms my heart to remember that I am loved.

The Lectionary, or the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) is a three-year cycle of readings that tell many stories of the Bible.  The Lectionary is found in the back of the Voices United hymnal.  The Lectionary is an ecumenical resource for use in Christian worship and the RCL is used by churches around the world. It can guide planners of Sunday worship and may be used occasionally or regularly, in part or in whole. (Source:

Ken Ready usually reads the scripture readings on Sunday mornings from the Hebrew text. This used to be called the Old Testament – however the anti-semitism of this phrase, “old” leads us to now use the terms Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament. Ken often gives context for these texts, which is an important aspect in interpretation. Just a note, the Hebrew Scriptures are the first 39 books in the Bible which we share with Jewish siblings and is written in Hebrew.  The New Testament scriptures are written in Greek.

The Lectionary is a three-year cycle: Year A, B and C.  In year 2023, we are in year A and the Christian year starts with Advent, so year A started in Advent 2022.  Please see the attached photo with the texts and colours.

Today, many Protestant churches worldwide use the Revised Common Lectionary. This represents unity in the Christian church, and this is increasingly important for Christianity. The Scandinavian Lutheran Churches first produced a three-year Lectionary in 1868! Christian denominations are allowed to vary from the Lectionary for special celebrations any given Sunday – like Reconciliation, Black history, Pride Sunday, or a church’s anniversary.

My favourite part of Lectionary preaching is that it is a discipline. As a pastor, I do not pick or choose my favourite texts. I must research, study, and prepare each Sunday on the texts that are presented. When I write a sermon, there are some Sundays I do not like the Lectionary texts. They can be challenging, but it is my job to research, study, and prepare a sermon that takes these ancient texts and brings them to life today in 2023.  To be honest, I love this challenge as it brings the texts alive for me and I am able to pass that on to you in the sermon on Sunday morning.

I also really love that in my previous travels as Assistant to the Bishop or as Director of the Development Agency, I worshiped with so many people regardless of their Christian denomination.  In Peru, we were in cement block churches, in Africa we were in the open,  in Europe we were in Historic 1400 churches, and I LOVE that all my dear friends world-wide are hearing the same text on any given Sunday morning. In Regina, be it United, Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, or Catholic colleagues, we are all preaching the same text.  This is unity. This is important.

So, friends, please ask questions – I know that Lakeview stepped away from the Lectionary for a few years - I see in your history that this was your tradition. The reconnection to the Lectionary is important for this time. It is important for Christian Unity - after all, you are a great example of Christian Unity. Lakeview United is led by a Lutheran Pastor who loves you.

Pastor Carla